
Jan 25 2025


14:50 - 15:15

How To Draw Your Own Backgrounds (With Minimal Artistic Skill (That Look Good))

Backgrounds are the unsung heroes of Visual Novels. A custom background can go a long way
in creating visual cohesion and immersive world-building in your game. Unfortunately,
background artists are hard to find and can be a stretch on limited development budgets.
The solution? Draw your own backgrounds. This talk will give you a step-by-step process to
create backgrounds that work for your game, no artistic skill required. We will discuss a variety
of tools and techniques that are usable by anyone with any level of artistic training (including
none at all) for creating backgrounds and how to use them (individually or in combination) for a
visually-pleasing result. We will also cover how to adapt to different styles and create visual
cohesion with your sprites and UI assets.

The event is finished.