Game Director

Talk: How to Make Accessibility Features Accessible for YOU: A crash course in 5 minutes (or less)


Alaric is the Game Director, Writer, Lead Artist, Programmer, Audio Designer, and UI Designer for Just Write Studios. Her dedication to great features and accessibility in games has been unbreakable, especially while managing her own autoimmune condition!

The current commercial project being created by Alaric is Catalyst: Blind Faith, a massively branching dark fantasy and horror visual novel. Its development has been used to innovate and rigorously test numerous new accessibility features in Ren’Py. A granular SFX toggle (so players can selectively turn off sounds they dislike at-will), and a color picker for text and its background to suit the player’s preferences (in a game with many color-dependent scenes by default), are just a few of the impactful design choices she has developed from her immense love of seeing more games reach more players.
